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Dextrose Monohydrate

Dextrose Monohydrate is derived from refined cornstarch. Through enzymatic process. DE value of the powder is more than 90%.
Malto-oligosaccharide Syrup

Malto-oligosaccharide syrup (powder) is made from refined corn starch by advanced biological technology.it is a new sweeteness concertrating with healthcare and nutrion,it has lower sweet and heat, co...

Sorbitol is a new kind of sweetener made from purified glucose as material via hydrogenation refining ,concentrating .When it was absorbed by human body ,it spreads slowly and then oxidizes to fructo...

Maltitol is a kind of sugar alcohol made from starch through hydrolysis , hydrogenation . It is a kind of colorless , transparent and viscous liquid. It can be easily dissolved in water. It has a mode...

Oligoisomaltitol is a kind of non-sugar sweetener made from Isomalto-oligosaccharide through hydrogenation and refining ,and cannot be absorbed by some bacteria. It is a kind of admixture of sorbitol ...
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